State Historic Tax Credit meeting
Attention Ottawa Downtown historic building owners! Join us at Ottawa City Hall council chambers on Friday January 31 at 10:00 AM to learn about new incentives for renovating your building. Darius Bryjka of the Illinois State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) will be here to explain how State and Federal Historic Tax Credits work.The State of Illinois passed legislation in 2024 that will allow Ottawa to create a Rivers Edge Recovery Zone. This is like an Enterprise Zone with extra added benefits. The primary one is a 25% State Historic Tax Credit, which can be coupled with the 20% Federal Historic Tax Credit. These can potentially go a long way towards funding renovations to historic structures.
Guidelines: https://cityofottawa.org/wp-content/uploads/pdfs/Applications_Permit_Forms/Planning_and_Zoning/Ottawa-Downtown-Design-Guidelines-Final_10-18-2022.pdfOttawa’s initial focus will be for contributing historic structures within the Downtown Commercial Historic District. If you have questions, call Dave Noble at 815-433-0161 x220 or Tami Koppen at 815-433-0161 x240 at the City
State Historic Tax Credit meetingDate and Time
Friday Jan 31, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CSTTell a Friend